Car wiring diagrams
Wiring diagrams for all Sonett models are now available for download on the website. They are scanned in high resolution from the best originals we could get our hands on.…
Wiring diagrams for all Sonett models are now available for download on the website. They are scanned in high resolution from the best originals we could get our hands on.…
P/N 7415706 7415698 The original bumpers for Sonett III MY 70-72 were made from a porous plastic material which over time absorbed water which caused the integrated steel rails and…
For more information, see Saab Car Museums home page and choose Events and there you will find the programme.
On March 22, 2022, Sonett Club Sweden introduced a new online store for ordering spare parts for Saab Sonett. We have collected all items in a spare parts list which…
At Saturday 28 May 2022 it's time for this years annual meeting. We meet in Ystad at the end of Hamngatan by the sea between kl. 9.00 – 10.00.Those of…
The club has now developed new rear windows for Sonett II and V4 in collaboration with Pilkington in Finland. The windows are in stock and can be ordered via the…
Johnny have made a translation of the articles about model cars in our magazine Sonettvärlden earlier, latest in no 3/1998.Read his interesting description of Saab Sonett model cars here: Saab…
Club Sonett Sweden has changed bank. The new bank for Club Sonett Sweden is Nordea: BIC (SWIFT): NDEASESS IBAN: SE32 9500 0099 6026 0358 7300The account number is 9960 2603587300