If you have an interest in Saab and above all the Saab Sonett, you are welcome to become a member of Club Sonett Sweden. There is no requirement to own a Sonett, but we believe you have an interest in the model.
The club has approximately 400 members in Sweden and abroad.
We keep in touch with the members through our club magazine Sonettvärlden (The Sonett World), which you will receive four times a year. It contains interesting articles and the history of Sonett, reports from our members about their renovation projects, DIY tips and stories from around the world and much more. The magazine is in Swedish but will normally have at least one article in English in each issue.
You can read old issues of Sonettvärlden on the website.
As you will see, we have a rich content in our website with information about the various models, events and spare parts. In our Facebook group you will find up-to-date notices from the club and group members.
As a member, you can buy spare parts from our spare parts warehouse with around 300 part numbers which the club have acquired from Saab’s original spare parts organisation and parts that we buy from external suppliers. Also reproduction parts for which we develop specifications and tools in collaboration with supporting manufacturers. You buy the parts from our online Web shop, which has pictures and also sometimes references to technical tips and instructions.
As a member of Club Sonett Sweden, you can also buy reproduction parts from Svenska Saabklubben (Swedish Saab Club), mainly those for the Saab 96 that also fit the Sonett.
If you have questions about the car’s function or how it should look in its original specification, we have a technical support function.
The club has spring and/or autumn meetings which members in Sweden and our neighbor countries enjoy. Our membership directory is also a good source for making contacts with other Sonett owners and perhaps arrange local meetings. The directory is normally published in issue #2 of Sonettvärlden every year.
We have a Club shop in collaboration with SportFabriquen where you can buy specially designed clothes and accessories.
The club offers family membership. The requirement is that you live at the same address as a full-paying member and you will not receive your own club magazine.
To become a member, send an email with your name, address and phone number to our treasurer, see Contacts for contact information. If you have a Sonett, please state type, model year, vehicle identification number VIN, registration number and colour. When you have paid the membership fee as below you will receive a confirmation with your new membership number. If you join after November 1st, your fee will cover the next year.
The membership fee is SEK 350 per year and SEK 50 for family members or the equivalent amount in your currency.
At renewal, state your membership number and pay no later than January 31 or we will send a reminder and charge SEK 50 extra.
Transfer the money to our bank Nordea.
IBAN: SE32 9500 0099 6026 0358 7300
The account number is 9960 2603587300.
In the message field, state your membership number.
If your bank asks for the address to the club or our bank:
Club Sonett Sweden
C/O Annelie Blom
Genvägen 4
SE-743 61 Björklinge
Nordea Bank Sweden
SE-105 71 Stockholm